Fandom: Show By Rock!!
Ships: Adam/Eve
Characters: Adam, Eve
Rating: G
Words: 852
Type: Oneshot
Warnings: None
Tags: Jealousy, mentions of Rom, mentions of Shuzo
Originally posted: 2023-09-30
If there was one thing Adam hadn’t expected when he was keeping track of his former bandmates, it was for one of them to vanish into thin air.
It was frustrating to say the least, and he didn’t understand it at all. Where the hell had Shu gone?
Adam sat by his laptop, scrolling every single site he could find that had anything to do with music in an attempt to find any leads on where their vocalist had gone. He could hear Eve in the kitchen, something bubbling on the stove. It smelled good, which soothed Adam’s fervent mind just enough to switch from one target to another.
Rom was easier. He was where he’d always been, employment wise, which made keeping track of him all the more simple. He had somewhere to start, and trust that Rom was enough of a creature of habit to not disappear entirely from one day to the next.
Adam typed in Rom’s username on social media, one tab for each site, though he knew Rom wasn’t that heavy of an online user, so he didn’t expect a lot. To his surprise, there was a brand new picture on instagram.
Adam quickly zeroed in on Rom’s face, smiling but looking a little bit awkward next to the other people. On his right side was a man with black and blond hair and glasses, obviously in the middle of talking. On his other was a short red-and-black haired man with a huge grin on his face. Next to him, just partially in frame was a flagpole of a man, though he was unable to see the face of him, as he was covering it entirely behind his hands.
The man grinning between Rom and the last one was grabbing on to the side of the tall blond man’s jacket for dear life, as if trying to prevent him from wandering out of frame entirely.
Who were these people? Adam felt jealousy bubble up inside him as he zoomed in on the strangers faces, one by one. He’d never in his life seen either of them before, how did Rom know them?
There wasn’t really any description to speak of belonging to the image, only what he assumed were the usernames of two of the three, and a name, potentially of the third. Rom had forgotten to put in the @ when inputting the usernames, but Adam was soon typing in the username of the first one in record time.
Opening the first profile, he recognised the man who sat to Rom’s right. Yaiba. Something about a dojo and martial arts, but then… a musician. A bass player. When he’d first seen the mention of some sort of sword technique he had assumed they might have something to do with working out together, but when he saw that this guy was also a musician his stomach clenched.
Leaving the tab open for now, he went back to Rom’s profile to look up the next person. He was named Crow, and was apparently from a dairy farm, but again, he was another musician. He opened one of the man’s latest entries, a series of pictures of Rom, Crow, Yaiba and the last guy, but the last one was the worst. It was a video, a bit badly angled as if Crow hadn’t had anywhere ideal to put it, so he’d just propped it up on the floor against something.
But he could see a section of Rom’s drumset, familiar to him. He could see the men for the most part, though the tall blond one had his head cut off.
They were playing, and they sounded amazing, if a bit disjointed, clearly not having played together for that long.
Adam closed his laptop with a slam, cutting the music off just a second later.
His chair scraped harshly against the floor, falling backwards with a bang. Worried, Eve hurried into the room. “Adam?! Are you okay?”
Adam looked up at his partner with wide eyes, despair building inside of him. “I think, I think Rom’s in a new band.”
Eve’s expression softened, his hands coming up to cup Adam’s cheeks. A soft kiss was pressed to his forehead. “We knew it was going to happen eventually, remember? It’s been three years, it’s surprising enough that it took as long as it did.”
Adam groaned, leaning forward until his forehead was pressed against Eve’s sternum. “I don’t want him to. They can’t just, just move on like nothing happened and forget about us.”
“I’m sure they both remember you fondly as well, they won’t forget, I promise.”
Adam felt reassuring arms wrap around him, and he responded to the hug in turn. He turned his head so his cheek rested between Eve’s ribs, staring out through the window. He listened to the steady beat of Eve’s heart.
He needed to figure out how to get everything on the right track again. He’d let Rom be for now though, it wasn’t like they could reunite without Shu even being remotely close to being found again.
He just had to bide his time.
I wrote this ages ago but never uploaded it, but Adam and Eve are gonna appear in a different part so. Here we go.
This is set way before the musical that features Amatelast but it makes more sense if you've seen it. If not, the relevant parts is that Adam is obsessed with getting Amatelast together so he tries to break up Shingan and Tricro.

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